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Clinic Therapies

A complete natural healing system.

Innata sees the body as your home: at its best it is stable, functioning, clean, comfortable, inviting and inspiring for yourself and others who you welcome in. As a complete and whole system, Innata’s therapies include a range of effective treatments, practices, herbs and acupuncture that support your body in eliminating blockages to restore and regenerate the function of the cells and tissues.

Our effective therapies aren’t just prescriptive, they are hands-on to help actively restore the body with more ease. We can also awaken desired states of mental, emotional and spiritual health in a very meaningful way. It all begins with a stable infrastructure that we rebuild from the ground up.

Dr. Isabella’s Map of Regenerative Health.

Successfully overcoming illness is a deeply individualized journey. Dr. Isabella created a model of regenerative medicine addressing the true cause of disharmony that focuses on constitutional genetics, environmental toxicity, chronic infections, nutrition, lifestyle and patterns of mental consciousness. We use real-time diagnostics and proprietary systems to gather this information.

Innata acknowledges that we are dynamic beings who require an evolving, practical and liberating approach to healing. We guide you every step of the way to sincerely address the various causes that led to your condition.

Based on your initial consultation, our treatment blueprints guide you with targeted support for your intrinsic physical, psychological and environmental needs. To sustain your care further, you can receive on-site collaborative care treatments with supporting practitioners and group classes to deepen your education.


Sustainable solutions for your body and mind.

  • Constitution Mapping

    The ancient and esoteric lineage method of Taoist energy mapping helps determine your personal constitution and what you are experiencing within your body. It's not just TCM or 5 element diagnosis, but a full proprietary systematic exploration that organizes and explains both your pre and post-natal weaknesses, tendencies and needs. Like the roots of a tree, your constitution is your source of both your health and imbalances. It can also explain why a disease might affect you entirely differently than someone else, which can’t be typically explained with a focus on the ‘branches’ or symptoms. You learn about this fundamental imbalance, how it relates to everything you’re dealing with, and how to support it throughout your whole life as the key to your preventative health.


    Next we will use real-time metrics to understand your body with even more accuracy using bioresonance technology to measure your biofield’s energies (electrical, magnetic and subtle). In a nutshell, this cutting edge scan measures the bioenergetic fields of each atom in the body to assess the internal health of specific organ systems and functions. Just one scan of your hand alone processed by this proprietary software can produce a full 100+ page report in one minute! Bioresonance allows you to discover everything from your vitamin absorption to your kidney function and even your pesticide and heavy metal exposure. These revolutionary scans can also detect wavelengths, molecules and inherent disturbances in the mind-body fields with an unprecedented ability to render specifics unattainable by standard lab tests. This is a remarkable tool for deepening our understanding of your state of health. Please note this is only available in-person.

  • Acupuncture

    This is the part where you relax and enjoy the gifts of the artful ancient Chinese medical system of acupuncture. Acupuncture uniquely interacts with our personal experience of consciousness and works on the multi-level infrastructure of our neurological system.

    Through The Classical Ben Shen System, we will work towards re-connecting your consciousness back to the body, through the body.Translated as the ‘root of the spirit’, 本神 Ben Shen is the traditional philosophy and system used to treat mental disharmonies in Classical Chinese Medicine.

    By gently inserting small needles along the body’s meridians, we will address the various physical, mental and emotional aspects of your condition:

    Medical Qi Gong

    Medical QiGong is a potent form of bodywork therapy that uses external and internal Qi, the vital energy flowing through all living beings. Rooted in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine principles, it requires a cultivated practitioner to address energy impairments effectively. This therapy aids in alleviating acute symptoms, body pains, and illnesses while promoting healing for chronic conditions. Dr. Isabella employs unique Energy Healing techniques learned directly through Grandmaster Hong Liu and his lineage, combining hands-on and hands-off techniques with emitted Qi to unblock energy pathways. Chinese Medicine underscores the vital role of unobstructed and balanced Qi in sustaining health, making QiGong a valuable complement to various therapeutic approaches, including conventional medical treatments.

    Osteopathic & Lymphatic Bodywork

    Coming soon!

  • Regenerative Nutrition

    A whole-life approach uniquely integrating Regenerative Detoxification, Eastern and Circadian Nutrition and Anthroposophical healing principles. Just like Feng Shui for your house, we apply the same thinking here in approach to your body as your home. Innata regenerative eating principles focuses on the cleaning of cells and organs to improve inner hygiene for an internal feng shui experience. Our personalized detox plans are crafted to educate you on foolproof ways to clear out any stored internal waste and sustain an unburdened way of life that naturally prevents disease. Whether you’re looking to feel better, look better or live better, this is your way forward.

    Herbal Medicine

    Our diagnostics allow Dr. Isabella to formulate a prescription to support your body where it is needed. Chinese medicinal herbal formulas are composed of various natural and safe ingredients that work in tandem to strengthen body tissues, correct disharmonies in your internal organ systems and restore balance. Based on a traditional pharmacopeia of over 400 single Chinese herbal and mineral compounds and 200 classical formulas, prescriptions are all custom written and freshly formulated for each individual using our in-house herbal pharmacy.

    Qi Gong & Tibetan Yoga

    Meaning life force in Chinese, ‘Qi’ is the very fuel that animates our body’s functions. Originally a Chinese breathing and movement practice that underpins all martial-arts and Eastern philosophies. Dr. Isabella prescribes specific medical Qigong and Tibetan Yoga exercises focusing on the specific meridians related to your personal blockages, for you to practice daily to balance internal organ energy and enjoy greater longevity. Reconnect with your body by learning more about how to tune in and awaken the very source of all healing and regeneration: your inner life force.

    Qi Gong is also administered in remote appointments.

"I have seen more progress in my 11 months at Innata than I have in the past 3 years with western medicine providers”,

— Ashley F